Indoor Mapping at Enterprise Level

Built for scale. Designed for experience.

An Experience as Your Employees Expect It

Google and Apple have set the standard for how we think of maps. Your employees expect your indoor map to continue that seamless experience. Great looking maps, the ability to search, seamless precise navigation and lots of details.

Pick an Infrastructure
for Now and the Future

MapsIndoors is built to support your Smart Building operations with syncronization to your FMS or IWMS. The maps are built on the data you already have inside them and can pull data automatically.

MapsIndoors also connects with the biggest network of Smart Building partners, so your sensors and applications work directly with the same map infrastructure that you have chosen. This minimizes the investment and maintenance of multiple platforms and maps in the future.

Connect all Your Smart Bulding Data to the Map

Expand the use cases of your maps by displaying both static and dynamic data on the map. With everything on the same map, you allow more people to use it and operate more effeciently.

Room occupancy
Noise levels
HVAC data
Energy usage
People counting
Desk occupancy
Wayfinding routes
Travel paths
Access paths
Room usage
Asset positioning

Emergency routes
Fire extinguishers
Bike sheds
Parking lots

Scale Map Updates with AI Automation

Keeping maps up to date is the single biggest threat for any program using the maps. Outdated maps with incorrect information create bad experiences for both employees and admins using the maps.

With MapsIndoors AI, you can automate the process of updating maps so employees always use a correct digital version of your physical spaces.

Car manufacturer


monthly map loads 
for 1000+ employees.



yearly floor plan updates  through automation.

real estate


square feet being digitized 
for tour app.



map sessions during 
5-day event.

Custom-Designed to Your Brand

Visualize your headquarters with custom 3D furniture, create a real reflection of your building’s architecture, set the colors to match your brand and much more. Everything can be fitted to create a unique map experience that matches the identity of your company.

Integrate into Your Own Applications

You integrate the map directly into the apps your employees already use every day. The MapsIndoors platform gives you the freedom to integrate the map as you want, alongside the investments you have already made in employee and admin software.

Native web and mobile SDKs
Complete developer docs
Flutter and React Native

Inside to Outside on Multi-Building Maps

With base maps from Google Maps or Mapbox under your indoor map, you can navigate from inside to outside and between buildings. This lets your users experience that seamless navigation around campuses or corporate complexes with precise travel times.

Premium partner
Preferred indoor partner

What customers think of us

Connect with our enterprise team.

Talk to Charles



, or Stevie

Elevate your employee experience
Syncronize with your FMS or IWMS
Never use outdated maps again
Already used in 25,000 Smart Buildings
Book personal demo